Friday, November 29, 2013

Motor, Servo dan Stepper Beserta Cara Kerjanya

Pengertian motor: Motor dapat diartikan sebagai penggerak. Karena fungsi utamanya sebagai pengubah sumber energi (panas, uap, bensin, cahaya, air, listrik, dll) menjadi tenaga penggerak. Sebagai contoh: pada motor listrik: energi listrik (input) dikonversikan menjadi energi putar/gerakan berputar (output).

Berbagai jenis motor, antara lain :
1. Motor                                                                                                                                           
Dari perputarannya ada 2 jenis motor, CW dan CCW, dimana CW atau Counter Wise berputar searah jarum jam, sedangkan CCW atau Counter Clock Wise, putarannya berlawanan arah dengan jarum jam. Beberapa jenis motor dapat memiliki arah putaran yang berbeda, misalnya pada motor elevator atau stepping motor pada pembuatan robot.    

       Kebanyakan motor terbuat dari Plastik (lebih murah). Namun ada juga motor yang terbuat dari besi, dan titanium (kuat).                                       

  1. Stepper                                                                                                                                                 Motor stepper adalah motor yang digunakan sebagai penggerak/pemutar. Prinsip kerja motor stepper mirip dengan motor DC, sama-sama dicatu dengan tegangan DC untuk memperoleh medan magnet. Motor stepper tidak dapat bergerak sendirinya, tetapi bergerak secara per-step sesuai dengan spesifikasinya, dan bergerak dari satu step ke step berikutnya memerlukan waktu, serta menghasilkan torsi yang besar pada kecepatan rendah. Motor stepper juga memiliki karakteristik yang lain yaitu torsi penahan, yang memungkinkan menahan posisinya. Hal ini sangat berguna untuk aplikasi dimana suatu sistem memerlukan keadaan start dan stop
        Motor stepper tidak merespon sinyal clock dan mempunyai beberapa lilitan dimana lilitan-lilitan tersebut harus dicatu (tegangan) dahulu dengan suatu urutan tertentu agar dapat berotasi. Membalik urutan pemberian tegangan tersebut akan menyebabkan putaran motor stepper yang berbalik arah. Jika sinyal kontrol tidak terkirim sesuai dengan perintah maka motor stepper tidak akan berputar secara tepat, mungkin hanya akan bergetar dan tidak bergerak. Untuk mengontrol motor stepper digunakan suatu rangkaian driver yang menangani kebutuhan arus dan tegangan                                                                                                                                        
  2. Servo                                                                                                                                                       Motor servo adalah sebuah motor DC yang dilengkapi rangkaian kendali dengan sistem closed feedback yang terintegrasi dalam motor tersebut. Pada motor servo posisi putaran sumbu (axis) dari motor akan diinformasikan kembali ke rangkaian kontrol yang ada di dalam motor servo. Contoh Motor Servo Motor servo disusun dari sebuah motor DC, gearbox, variabel resistor (VR) atau potensiometer dan rangkaian kontrol. Potensiometer berfungsi untuk menentukan batas maksimum putaran sumbu (axis) motor servo. Sedangkan sudut dari sumbu motor servo diatur berdasarkan lebar pulsa yang pada pin kontrol motor servo.
                    Konstruksi Motor Servo Motor servo adalah motor yang mampu bekerja dua arah (CW dan CCW) dimana arah dan sudut pergerakan rotornya dapat dikendalikan dengan memberikan variasi lebar pulsa (duty cycle) sinyal PWM pada bagian pin kontrolnya. Jenis Motor Servo Motor Servo Standar 180° Motor servo jenis ini hanya mampu bergerak dua arah (CW dan CCW) dengan defleksi masing-masing sudut mencapai 90° sehingga total defleksi sudut dari kanan – tengah – kiri adalah 180°. Motor Servo Continuous Motor servo jenis ini mampu bergerak dua arah (CW dan CCW) tanpa batasan defleksi sudut putar (dapat berputar secara kontinyu). Pulsa Kontrol Motor Servo Operasional motor servo dikendalikan oleh sebuah pulsa selebar ± 20 ms, dimana lebar pulsa antara 0.5 ms dan 2 ms menyatakan akhir dari range sudut maksimum. Apabila motor servo diberikan pulsa dengan besar 1.5 ms mencapai gerakan 90°, maka bila kita berikan pulsa kurang dari 1.5 ms maka posisi mendekati 0° dan bila kita berikan pulsa lebih dari 1.5 ms maka posisi mendekati 180°.Pulsa Kendali Motor Servo Motor Servo akan bekerja secara baik jika pada bagian pin kontrolnya diberikan sinyal PWM dengan frekuensi 50 Hz. Dimana pada saat sinyal dengan frekuensi 50 Hz tersebut dicapai pada kondisi Ton duty cycle 1.5 ms, maka rotor dari motor akan berhenti tepat di tengah-tengah (sudut 0°/ netral). Pada saat Ton duty cycle dari sinyal yang diberikan kurang dari 1.5 ms, maka rotor akan berputar ke berlawanan arah jarum jam (Counter Clock wise, CCW) dengan membentuk sudut yang besarnya linier terhadap besarnya Ton duty cycle, dan akan bertahan diposisi tersebut, dan sebaliknya.
Sumber : ; ;

Friday, November 8, 2013

Keragaman Sensor membantu penciptaan E-nose yang lebih baik

Keragaman adalah hal yang baik dalam upaya tak pernah berakhir untuk menghasilkan hidung elektronik yang dapat bersaing dengan hidung manusia dan anjing ( dan madu lebah antena ) untuk mencium segala macam hal yang penting : menemukan selundupan seperti bahan peledak dan narkotika , mengawasi pematangan anggur vintage, mengukur kadar glukosa darah tanpa pin- tusukan ... bahkan mendeteksi tanda tangan biokimia -tanda tumor ganas .
Sebuah tim dari Politeknik Universitas Valencia di Spanyol dan University of Gävle di Swedia telah memasang sebuah array dari 32 sensor yang tersedia secara komersial yang dapat mengendus sedikit buah hancur dan memberitahu jika sumber adalah sebuah apel atau pir .
 Valencia José Pelegri Sebastia dan kolaborator menggunakan tujuh model yang berbeda dari off-the -shelf metal-oksida sensor gas semikonduktor . Sensor dipasarkan untuk mendeteksi berbagai gas , termasuk propana , gas alam , karbon monoksida , alkohol , toluena , dan berbagai orang lain , dengan mengukur perubahan konduktansi melintasi celah sempit di antara dua elektroda sebagai jejak gas menyerap ke permukaan elektroda . Gas yang berbeda menghasilkan kurva yang berbeda dari tegangan dari waktu ke waktu , dan setiap jenis sensor memiliki karakteristik respon yang berbeda . Ada , apalagi, beberapa variasi sensor - to- sensor di respon. Dan sensor tertentu yang dipilih (dari Figaro Engineering) meliputi pemanas intern : perubahan suhu operasi sensor lebih jauh memodifikasi kurva respon .
Kelompok riset dieksploitasi karakteristik ini untuk mencampur model sensor dan suhu operasi untuk menghasilkan eNose , sebuah array dari 32 sensor , masing-masing dengan kurva respon yang berbeda sendiri . Sedikit udara aromatik melayang ke eNose akan mengirimkan 32 saluran data tegangan dinamis menjadi perekam data dan masuk ke berbagai algoritma pengenalan pola .
Sebagai ujian , para peneliti menempatkan potongan-potongan apel atau pir ke dalam ruang sampel , biarkan senyawa volatil buah ini menyebar ke udara selama beberapa saat , dan kemudian disuntikkan " mengendus " ke eNose .
Tim ditandai masing-masing dari 32 dihasilkan sinyal oleh tiga parameter dinamis : kemiringan transien ( laju peningkatan pesat awal ketika gas pertama kali terdeteksi ) , saturasi kemiringan ( tingkat lebih lambat dari kenaikan tegangan sebagai senor mencapai respon yang terbesar ) , dan kemiringan maksimum ( diukur ketika sensor tertutup dari sampel ) .
Para peneliti dikenakan masing-masing parameter tersebut untuk analisis komponen utama , sehingga setiap elektronik mengendus pola yang dihasilkan dari 96 poin dalam tiga dimensi ruang untuk masing-masing dari 20 sampel berjalan . Mereka kemudian memberi makan hasil ke 10 yang berbeda pengenalan pola program * dan meminta masing-masing , pada dasarnya, " Apakah apel , atau itu buah pir ? " Semua kecuali satu dari mereka benar bisa mengidentifikasi apel atau pir sembilan kali dari 10 , atau lebih baik . Dan satu pola - reader - IB1 , yang terdekat - tetangga algoritma mendapatkannya tepat di hidung 100 % dari waktu . Ini , para peneliti mengatakan , lebih baik daripada kebanyakan orang bisa melakukannya . ( Hidung Dogs ' , tentu saja, beberapa lipat lebih sensitif daripada kami , sehingga eNose memiliki sesuatu untuk menembak. )

* Kelompok eNose menggunakan University of Waikato ( Selandia Baru ) terbuka sourceWeka perpustakaan data-mining . Analisis termasuk Bayesian Network standar naif , fungsi basis radial , model regresi logistik linier , optimasi minimal sekuensial , algoritma terdekat - tetangga , algoritma entropis jarak , algoritma voting , model pohon , algoritma terdekat - tetangga yang belajar aturan , dan model pohon keputusan parsial .

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

robotika 3

An industrial robot is defined by ISO as an automatically controlled, reprogrammable, multipurpose manipulator programmable in three or more axes. The field of robotics may be more practically defined as the study, design and use of robot systems for manufacturing (a top-level definition relying on the prior definition of robot).

A humanoid robot is a robot with its body shape built to resemble that of the human body. A humanoid design might be for functional purposes, such as interacting with human tools and environments, for experimental purposes, such as the study of bipedal locomotion, or for other purposes. In general, humanoid robots have a torso, a head, two arms, and two legs, though some forms of humanoid robots may model only part of the body, for example, from the waist up. Some humanoid robots may also have heads designed to replicate human facial features such as eyes and mouths. Androids are humanoid robots built to aesthetically resemble humans.

same like humanoid robots, animaloid robot are robots with animal shape, most animaloid robots are four legged which resemble dog's shape or horse. mostly because they are easier to make

Line-following robot
Some of the earliest Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) were line following mobile robots. They might follow a visual line painted or embedded in the floor or ceiling or an electrical wire in the floor. Most of these robots operated a simple "keep the line in the center sensor" algorithm. They could not circumnavigate obstacles; they just stopped and waited when something blocked their path. Many examples of such vehicles are still sold, by Transbotics, FMC, Egemin, HK Systems and many other companies

 The Denning Mobile Robot Company of Boston was the first company to offer ready-made autonomous robots that were subsequently purchased primarily by researchers. Grinnell More's Real World Interface, Inc. (RWI) and James Slater's Nomadic Technologies (US), along with Francesco Mondada's K-Team (Switzerland), were other pioneering companies in this field, addressing the need for ready-made robots for use by robotics researchers. RWI created the B-21, Nomadic the XR4000, whilst the tiny Khepera mobile robot emerged from the stables of the Swiss K-Team. However, the high price of these machines meant that only a few graduate students and military researchers could afford them. Eventually, the low-cost Pioneer robot was introduced in 1995 (from a collaboration between RWI and ActivMedia Robotic), a project that expanded research in mobile robotics due to the affordable price.
research robot

humanoid robot

animaloid robot

line follower

industrial robot

Saturday, August 17, 2013

robotic #2

An industrial robot is defined by ISO as an automatically controlled, reprogrammable, multipurpose manipulator programmable in three or more axes. The field of robotics may be more practically defined as the study, design and use of robot systems for manufacturing (a top-level definition relying on the prior definition of robot).

A humanoid robot is a robot with its body shape built to resemble that of the human body. A humanoid design might be for functional purposes, such as interacting with human tools and environments, for experimental purposes, such as the study of bipedal locomotion, or for other purposes. In general, humanoid robots have a torso, a head, two arms, and two legs, though some forms of humanoid robots may model only part of the body, for example, from the waist up. Some humanoid robots may also have heads designed to replicate human facial features such as eyes and mouths. Androids are humanoid robots built to aesthetically resemble humans.

same like humanoid robots, animaloid robot are robots with animal shape, most animaloid robots are four legged which resemble dog's shape or horse. mostly because they are easier to make

Line-following robot
Some of the earliest Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) were line following mobile robots. They might follow a visual line painted or embedded in the floor or ceiling or an electrical wire in the floor. Most of these robots operated a simple "keep the line in the center sensor" algorithm. They could not circumnavigate obstacles; they just stopped and waited when something blocked their path. Many examples of such vehicles are still sold, by Transbotics, FMC, Egemin, HK Systems and many other companies

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Robot, Robotics, Robotika

robot is a mechanical or virtual agent, usually an electro-mechanical machine that is guided by a computer program or electronic circuitry. Robots can be autonomous or semi-autonomous and range from humanoids such as Honda's Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility (ASIMO) and Tosy's TOSY Ping Pong Playing Robot (TOPIO) toindustrial robots, collectively programmed 'swarm' robots, and even microscopic nano robots. By mimicking a lifelike appearance or automating movements, a robot may convey a sense of intelligence or thought of its own.

Robotics is the branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots,as well as computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing. These technologies deal with automated machines that can take the place of humans in dangerous environments or manufacturing processes, or resemble humans in appearance, behavior, and/or cognition. Many of today's robots are inspired by nature contributing to the field of bio-inspired robotic.

Robotika adalah satu cabang teknologi yang berhubungan dengan desain, konstruksi, operasi, disposisi struktural, pembuatan, dan aplikasi dari robot. Robotika terkait dengan ilmu pengetahuan bidang elektronikamesin,mekanika, dan perangkat lunak komputer.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Key I Am

Call me key, no, it isn’t my name
It’s just the initial of three words given blessfully from my parents at my first day on this earth
Kevin Erdiza Yogatama
No, it’s not really special names
All I know that ‘Tama’ means I am the first boy in my family. The indonesian word ‘Pertama’
The rest is just hope and dreams
Planted in my soul
When I cry my first voice
Calling help from nothing
When they also cry for my birth
When calendar told them August 14th
When 21st century was just 3 more years later
That time, happiness was all they felt
And infinite gratitude is spit from their mouth
Infinite thanks that I should give them
Although I didn’t always do my best
Sometimes just my ego, taking all over my decision
I feel guilty, no, I should feel guilty
All I do was nothing
All I should do is everything
My story just met another chapter
I’ve achieved the 11th grade in a school named SMANU MH Thamrin
I’ve been seeking my future
My passion is beyond unknown
But I know something
These all aren’t about finding who I am
It’s all about creating myself
My life is a story, and I am the writer

Codename                      : Kevin Erdiza
Birth                               : August 14th 1997
Address                          : Perum THB Blok B2/no. 7 West Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia
Current Education           : SMANU MH Thamrin

Sunday, June 2, 2013

fs #3

I got a dinner invitation letter, and it’s very unusual. I just walked from hospital and someone came to me. It was a while before dawn and usually the path is empty at this time. But today is different.
“Lady Eive Chera, you are cordially invited to a dinner party at Kalingga’s Mansion. Your arrival is highly appreciated” said a man that looks like a butler. He looks so neat. He gave me an elegant invitation envelope. Heh? Who am i?
I am wondering. How did he know my name? I’ve never met him before, and also how did he know that I will go through this path? Is he spy? Maybe yes, because going to hospital is one of my morning routine. But, I don’t know, my feeling doesn’t have any suspicion.
“Sir, what is…?” I stop my word because I see I’m talking to no one. That man has disappeared. I was meaning to ask the purpose of this person inviting me; of course I need a legible reason. But instead, this leads me to the idea of ghost inviting me for a sacrificial dinner ritual.
Weirdly, I still don’t have any suspicion.
I look at the envelope. It’s fancy and nice. The letter said that I have been invited by Simon Kalingga and his family. He lives in a mansion on the side of this town, there’s a picture of it.  I think I’ve ever spotted a big building like this. I just don’t know it’s called ‘mansion’.
On the top of all things, I accept the invitation.
One hour before that dinner and I’ve prepared everything. This is a normal reaction of someone new in town for her first time invited to a dinner, although I don’t feel so normal.
First I dressed like usual. I wear a scarf, a medium-long dress, and a monocle. Hey, that’s really something that I wear every day. I just want to be myself.
And second, also the last, mental condition. I think I’m ready.
The mansion isn’t really far; I just walk there for 15 minutes. As soon as I arrived, I am welcomed by the butler that I met this morning. Wooh, maybe I’m really an important person here.
“Welcome Lady Chera, we have looked forward yours to come. Follow me”
I follow him slowly as he walk elegantly. I am well amazed by the garden and its dim lighting that beautifies the night flowers and sparkling small stream. Then I enter the mansion, welcomed by a large hall with sculptures and carving over the wall. My head always look up.
“Good evening, Eive Chera, please take a seat” I heard different voice. I lower my head and I’ve already arrived at the dining room. I see three people, it seems like a parents and their son. And the father is the one that spoke.
“Take a seat, please” said the father again. I snapped out of my amazement and I sit down. I feel like they’re unhappy with my presence here. I see the son is whispering something to his father, some kind of thing that he doesn’t want.
“*clears throat* I’m sorry, maybe it feels strange if someone you don’t know invite you to a dinner. We know that you just settled here a few days ago, and then we heard that you saved Granny Selvi’s grandchild, Shiela, from a robbery. What a heroic act you did. So we’re here to welcome you and also to thank you for your heroism. What do you say?” spoke the son.
Partly speechless, I say “…um, thank you very much”. Uh, I’m so nervous, I’m afraid of doing things wrong.
“Dinner is ready” there is some servant serving some dinner dishes, or a lot of them. I act like a hungry people should act, there’s so many food that looks delicious. I almost snap one pile of chicken and something make me stop. I see the father and the mother doesn’t look so happy from their face, but not the son, he looks friendly. I slow down my moves.
“You may eat any food you want” said that son. Wait, I have something.
“Before that, would you mind introducing yourself? You have known my name, and now it’s your turn, I think it will be awkward if I have a dinner with someone that I don’t know even the name” I asked. That sprung out from my mind by itself.
“Oh, I’m sorry. My name is Simon Kalingga, and these are my parent, Freud Kalingga and Jeanne Silua Kalingga, and then you can call me Simon” said the son. Oh he’s the one who is Simon. I thought Simon was the father.
Then I eat the food just like I usually do. But still Simon’s parents look unhappy. Am I doing mistake?
“You’re a unique people; you must come from somewhere far, if you mind to tell us, where did you live before?” ask Simon. You know, this question is the question that I always avoid.
“Where did I live? Maybe not, that’s something that I don’t want to talk about. It’s just so tragic.” That’s my answer.
“Oh, I apologize, I don’t know if it’s something privacy” answer Simon.
“No problem, Mr. Simon” I said. Still, and still, Simon’s parents look unhappy. And also I see Simon become slightly worried about something. Did my feeling this morning lie to me?
I continue eating my food. I tried to repel every bad thought that come. This is just my feeling. I think I’m acting as I should behave, being myself, and it’s not a mistake. Everything will be just fine.
My patience is enough, Simon, what do you think you are doing?! Inviting someone as disgusting as a piece of trash!” shout Simon’s father. Ugh, what?
“Dad, Keep your mouth! She’s our guest, show your respect!” replied Simon.
“Just look at the way she behaves! She’s just low-class citizen, I don’t want her to take any step again in this house forever!” added Mr. Freud. I am now fully speechless. Am I troublemaker here?
“Lady, you must know what is happening now, now do what you should do!” asked Mrs. Jeanne. I am frozen in confusion. Every question asked in mind but no word I spit out.
“LADY, DID YOU HEAR ME!?” in a second Mrs. Jeanne shouted at me with angry voice. What is the beverage for this dinner now? A cup of fear.
I am scared, very scared. I don’t what I really fear about. Just feel very scared. I run out from that dining room, towards the main door, leaving that mansion.
“Lady, wait!” a voice stopped me in front of the gate. Simon runs after me.
“Lady Chera, I really ask you for a big apology. I’m very sorry. I don’t know your thing wouldn’t work fit with our way. My parents are just being ethnocentric. Sorry, but this dinner is ended, you can go home now” explained Simon. I calmed down, although I don’t really understand what he said.
“I understand, but thanks for all, and nice to meet you Mr. Simon” I said. Then I leave that place immediately.
That was an experience.
“Hey Chera! Why do you look so sad in this peaceful night? Why do you even out here?”Said Diane sprung out from darkness. A moment she woke me from a reverie.  In way home, my mind is full of that dinner thing. hey, I think my feeling this morning didn’t really lie for bad.
“Diane, I think I learned something this evening”
“What is it, sunshine?”
“Sunsh….? Umm, I just learned that I need to adapt and behave what people here behave. I just got some kind of culture shock”
“Well, you are facing the right person; shall we start tomorrow, sunshine?”

Tonight there are some things that make me happy. First, I learned about being myself and being the way people should. Second, I just got a best friend.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

I Love Pie #2

at least, me

Fs #2

I have a new friend, her name is Shiela. Maybe it is more called that I am her new friend, because I am the one who is a newcomer in her town. Silly, it’s all the same.
At first I met her when I was buying some bread in bakery. Usually Granny Selvi that is in charge keeping the store, because she is the owner of the bakery. Granny Selvi is a nice caring woman, she always greet me with a warm smile every time I jump into the store, but this time, I got a questioning stare from a new person that asked me “What are you doing?”
“Let’s play again!” insisted Shiela. A while ago, Shiela suddenly asked me to play with her whereas that was the first time I see her. And now I and Shiela have played a round of snake and ladder and twenty seven games of tic-tac-toe. She keeps asking me to play more tic-tac-toes.
Of course I’m bored although at first I was excited. I thought Shiela was a playful and fun, but as I observe, i think she is somewhat mentally different. Hey, I’m not being rude! I just see her acts so childish and innocent with her 14-aged girl’s looking; also she won’t let me to go.  I don’t know anymore, I just want to finish this, but I can’t hurt her feeling.
Another three games of tic-tac-toe makes her give up. I thought this will be the last but she invites me to a table of chess. I simply refuse it because I can’t play chess.
“Oh, c’mon, I’ll show you how!” persuaded Shiela. I don’t know what to say but maybe by saying I have to go somewhere might work out.
Or not, she becomes sad.
“You don’t want to play with me again?” said Shiela. Oh dear, initiating feeling-conflict dodging sequence.
“Oh, no, no, I’m just thinking that we can play again tomorrow, OK?” nervously I said that. Oh please, no drama bomb, please….
“That’s great! But before you go, what’s your name? You haven’t said anything about that” she replied. Initiating exhale sequence, I feel much better.
“My name is Eive Chera” I said. Ah, lucky I don’t say that actually I want to use fake names. I know it would be silly.
“Eive Chera, wait!” Shiela called me again before I leave.
“I just remembered, Granny Selvi won’t be here for few days, can you help me keeping the store together tomorrow?”
I just say “Ok then”, then I walk home feeling more relieved.
Or not, it means I have to be with her again tomorrow? Oh what should I do?
The next day is something. There is a festival today, I don’t really know what it’s all about but it is very crowded. Diane asked me and Twilia to explore the festival together, but Diane is so hyperactive, she goes here and there so fast, we can’t keep following her. So then we set off in a coffee shop for a talk.
“How about Shiela? What would you do?” asked Twilia. I have already told her everything about Shiela because I believe in her. She is a reliable friend and I’m glad to have her.
“I don’t know anymore Twi, I just don’t want to make a horrible mistake” I said
“Of course, Shiela has such an underdeveloped mental condition. Anything you do is very susceptible” before I have time to digest what Twilia said, someone says “haha, trapped with a mentally disordered girl, how silly…”
Navica Shellionston, she just made me annoyed.
“You can beg me for help, little girl” added Navica
“No, I don’t need your help! And I’m not dealing with Shiela!” she just pissed me off. I walk out from the shop and head to home. I think Shiela can do it by herself, she usually keep the store alone.
I made a mistake. Please, forgive me.
I open the door. I beat three guys that are robbing the store. And I take Shiela to hospital.
I made a mistake
The festival was very crowded, and everything can be insecure by vast amount of people. Anyone can be there, and I was just thinking myself. Fortunately Shiela survived the shot. Her left shoulder torn and it is all because of me.
And now, she is lying on a hospital bed. She doesn’t move a slightest, she got a terrible coma.
I’m sorry, my friend Shiela
I promise I’ll be there when your eyes opened.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


A : If this is the first step to take the second step, what's the third step?
B : huh?
A : the answer is reality
B : ...i don't get it
A : me neither

Saturday, May 18, 2013

fs #1

Let me tell you, everyone here is nice
Although some of them won’t be look like one
            Why did she so mean? I was just trying to help, but she was disapproving me and she didn’t talk polite to me! I mean, I just knew her and she just knew me, at least she act softer at first although she dislike me.
            “No, Chera, she just doesn’t like foreigner” said Diane calming me down. Diane was true, I just settled in this town a few days ago, but still, now I live here, and so she should act more in a way she should to a newcomer like me! Uh, I really dislike her.
            The first time I got here, I was greeted by a man. He was so friendly and wise-looking. I told him that I was new here and I wanted to get along here. Then he said that everyone here is nice, although some of them won’t be look like one. Yes, the first people I met were really nice. But for Navica, She is clearly not.
            “Follow me!” said Diane briefly. She doesn’t give a chance to ask, so I follow her in wondering. Diane was one of the first people I meet, she is so carefree and cheering although sometimes she is so puzzling, like this one. But I’m glad to meet her.
            She leads me to a place where the sky and ground meet. This was the place that made me keep smiling for a long time when I got here. My feet were buried by grass and my eyes filled with colors. I was on a flower field. I am on a flower field.
            “Look at those flower, Chera!” said Diane. I look at them. I feel so peaceful. But suddenly some flower is turning into black. I thought it was the weather that is becoming cloudy, but it’s really turning into black.
            “Diane, what’s happening with them?” I’m bit scared. The clouds begin to disappear again. As the sunshine touch the flower, it turns back to normal.
            “This is a unique flower, if something is hindering the sunlight, you won’t see the beauty. But when there’s no gloomy cloud, its color will bloom” explained Diane
            I am amazed at the moment.
            “But nowadays, clouds often covers the bright sun and forgets that it is a sunny day that we need” said Diane. I don’t understand her, maybe I am too amazed.
            She slap my shoulder and says “Chera, listen to me. Everyone here is nice. Although some of them won’t be look like one”
            I am surprised, once it’s a déjà vu, and then it becomes clear. She said exactly the same thing.
            “Just look again at those flowers! Everyone here is similar with them. If you see them with the sun, you’ll see the color.”
            I am stuck in silence. I feel like I see the flower dances for me. The wind blows softly. I start to think that I am the one who was wrong.
            Maybe she has her reason.
            Maybe I was just being sensitive.
            “Chera, I have to go, see you later!” I almost don’t realize that Diane is leaving. After that I walk back to town on my own. Thinking everything, I mean, everything.
            “Ouch, hey, watch for your steps!”
            I hit someone. I wasn’t paying attention while walking. I said sorry then I realize that it’s Navica.
            “Don’t you have eyes!? Now, get out of my way!” said Navica rudely.
            I want to be angry, but my heart doesn’t let me. Instead of get mad at her, I greet her.
            “Hi Navica!”
            She doesn’t respond and continue to walk away.
            “Where are you going, Navica?” I continued.
            “Why do you even care!?” replied Navica, then she leaves.
            Am I the one who was wrong now!? I’m meaning to ask this myself, but instead, I follow her and see where she is going.
            She enters a house. There is an old woman sitting on a rocking chair at the front terrace. My brain starts to think badly about her, but my heart forbids it. Then I see her taking something out from bag that she brings. My brain thinks even worse, but my heart denies it. Then I see her giving something to that old woman.
            “Granny Selvi, here I made you a good sweater to wear; now you won’t feel cold when winter comes up! But in return, I want you to tell me more about your story”
            I set off, and I leave that place. I’m heading to my home. I’m trying to process what I just saw. But this idea is getting stronger, stronger, and now it stuck frozen within my mind.
            I am the one who was wrong.
            I end up with conclusion too fast without knowing anything.
            “Don’t let your sky cloudy, Chera” Diane surprised me; suddenly she is walking with me beside.
            “To see someone’s color, you need to see it with bright heart, and for everything, keep your friendship sunshine bright!”
            Now I understand.